Monday 10 September 2012

Then and Now....

So, now we're in September 2012, I wanted to give an update on how Paisley's doing.
Her non speaking lasted 35 days and has only come back since March a couple of times.
She's just started school, she's continuing to go to ballet every week, she's started going to tap dancing..and she's still talking! Yeay!
I can still count the number of people that she will speak to of her own accord on one hand but she's making significant progress.
She's still never spoken to my brother, her uncle but she has spoken to next door a couple of times. It's not perfect but it's better than it was.
Starting school was worrying - she'd begun to speak again at Pre School so I was hopeful but thought the change in teachers might start it all off again.
However, she's spoken continually since she started.
I can't just leave her with any child minder or anything as she won't speak to just anyone.
We still do the 'it's normal to be shy but it's good to be brave' thing and this seems to calm her. Taking the pressure off her to speak definitely has been the best way to go.
She's in a ballet show in November and I have no idea whether she'll make it on stage but I'm hopeful.
We take each day as it comes and don't rule out it ever coming back.

I hope this blog helps anyone in the same situation as it was so scary and there's so little known about the condition. I'd rather have Selective Mutism which is what she seems to have now than Progressive Mutism if there's a choice, as the thought that she wouldn't speak to me was terribly hard.
Doctors don't seem to be much assistance in my experience so it was down to me and I've done the best I could to heighten information and knowledge about the condition, as there was precious little for me.
Good luck. It will sort itself out but it's a hard

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